Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Do You Think?

A very good morning I bid to the honorable judges, accurate timekeeper and my worthy opponents. Today, I stand before you to defend the very fact that blogging is something that I enjoy doing. Mm, I know I know, that's how an introduction of a speaker in a debate competition sounds like and isn't anything like what I'm doing here, blogging.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but at times when I read blogs, it seems as though the writer is trying to prove his/her point making it really similar to a debate competition. The only ingredient missing is the 'accurate' timekeeper coz you'll definitely have people disagreeing with you(worthy opponents) and judging whatever you wrote (honorable judges). No?

After a few years of blog hopping, I have come to realize that blogging, which is a lot like the word 'love', has many different meanings varying on a person to person basis. Some people view blogs as their diaries, writing about their rather interesting/boring daily activities so that their readers would know what they've been doing without being anywhere near them.

Mind you, I've got nothing against these blogs, I just think of it as technology playing its part and making it more convenient for people to type rather than write in their book-like diaries. I guess it's also a way of keeping track of what you've done and letting you look back on your posts written knowing what you did that on that very day, let's say 5 years ago. Good way of reminiscing uh?

Well, there are also those blogs that contain 90% pictures and 10% captions, making it rather similar to the 'daily activities ' blog. I'm guessing that those writers really believe in the theory that 'a picture can paint a thousand words'. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy reading those kind of blogs coz it's so much easier to look at pictures rather than to read about their daily activities. And yes, it's also great that I get to stay updated on the lives of people I rarely talk to but still care about through those pictures.

I don't know which category my blog falls under, but whatever it is, I think that blogging's probably quite beneficial for everyone coz you don't have to keep all your thoughts to yourself no matter how silly or random it may be. So if you don't have one, why not click that 'create blog' link at the top and you'll know what I mean. :)

RANDOM: This morning as I was taking my shower ( where I get most of my random thoughts ), I was wondering " how did doughnuts get its name? ".. I mean, I understand the dough part, but most of the doughnuts nowadays have no nuts. Just to reward my curiosity, I googled it and thought I'd share my curiosity with you guys. Some said that it was because the dough was twisted into knots, hence "dough-knots". The other theory was more convincing though, saying that the nuts were placed in the middle of the dough so that it would cook evenly. Interesting uh how people tend to come up with their own weird theories just to gain recognition.

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