Anyway, I'm not sure when but I remember reading this really interesting article on aphrodisiacs that I've always wanted to do some research on it. Mind you, it's not for personal 'benefits' but to reward my never ending curiosity on . If you don't know what an aphrodisiac is, it's ''agent'' that increase
Of course, the first and most sought after aphrodisiac that I'm gonna talk about is C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E. Most people worship choc and can probably have it at any time of the day. What was interesting is that chocolate's ingredients are only meant to make u happy and more mood-lifting.. and maybe just MAYBE u'll have fictitious feelings of 'love' after lots of it but definitely does not make u ahemhornyahem.
Next on the list is one that comes in a shell, is highly priced but gooey and people seem to have more than they can eat in buffets and feel sick after. Yes, oysters, if u guessed it correctly. Something I swear was new to me was that oysters were known as aphrodisiacs mainly because of its shape that "somewhat resemble the female sex organ"(quoted from a website). Who would've known that the shape of the food you eat can make u horny too.. Lol. Interesting uh?
Well since I'm already at "shaped" aphrodisiacs, what can be better than a male-sex-organ-resembling-aphrodisiac after a female-sex-organ-resembling-aphrodisiac? :) The BANANA. After reading the article on oysters, I was quite sure bananas would fall under the same category because of its shape. But I've never heard of cucumbers, carrots and eggplant as being aphrodisiacs. And so i went google-ing "bananas as aphrosdisiacs" and found out that it was only partly because of its shape but also because they contain lots of potassium and vitamin Bs for sex-hormones production. So i guess the phrase 'going bananas' can also mean 'getting horny'.. lol.
Hope any of these descriptions or explanations weren't too offensive for any of my readers.. and u've also managed to reward some of
haha my sister has this obsession with bananas oO
i remember we bought little 'banana shower loofahs' as souvenirs from a holiday heh
Lol! Great, funny post:) Bananas are quoted for my Top 10 Aphrodisiacs article:)
Thank you:)
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